Sample Notice of Photography & Filming

The following template was used at several events and may not fit your event's photography and filming needs. We recommend having this reviewed by someone with expertise in the filming needs and legal constraints of any facility you'll be holding your hackathon in.

This notice of filming and photography should allow attendees to opt out using a visual identifier that has been designated at your event, like a bright sticker on a name badge or different color lanyard to indicate that they do not wish to be recorded.

Please note at the end of this agreement we chose to give our attendees the right to request removal of posted materials, as this can help groups working on especially safety-sensitive issues to reassess their needs at a later date.


When you enter a [NAME OF HACKATHON] event or program, you enter an area where photography, audio, and video recording may occur. By entering the event premises, unless indicating on your badge with [OPT OUT STICKER, LANYARD OR OTHER INDICATOR] that you would like to be excluded from photography and filming you consent to interview(s), photography, audio recording, video recording and its/their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for news, web casts, promotional purposes, telecasts, advertising, inclusion on websites, social media, or any other purpose by [NAME OF HACKATHON] and its affiliates and representatives. Images, photos and/or videos may be used to promote similar [NAME OF HACKATHON] events in the future, highlight the event and exhibit the capabilities of [NAME OF HACKATHON].

You release [NAME OF HACKATHON], its officers and employees, and each and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication and use of interviews, photographs, computer images, video and/or or sound recordings. By entering the event premises, you waive all rights you may have to any claims for payment or royalties in connection with any use, exhibition, streaming, web casting, televising, or other publication of these materials, regardless of the purpose or sponsoring of such use, exhibiting, broadcasting, web casting, or other publication regardless of whether a fee for admission or sponsorship is charged.

You as attendee retain the right to inspect or approve any photo, video, or audio recording taken by [NAME OF HACKATHON] or the person or entity designated to do so by [NAME OF HACKATHON], or request its removal at any time. You have been fully informed of your consent, waiver of liability, and release before entering the event.

Last updated

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